- Clear, concise, and packed with lively examples, Essentials of English Grammar, Third Edition, fills you in on general usage rules for parts of speech, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviations, numbers, word division, spelling, commonly confused words, and much more. It also includes style guidelines with tips on how to write with economy, clarity, and accuracy.
- A quick reference for people with the occasional question and an excellent primer for anyone learning the basics, this edition of the perennial bestseller features a new glossary of grammar terms, updated coverage of stylistic conventions, and new examples.
- A quick reference for people with grammar questions and an excellent primer for anyone learning the basics, Essentials of English Grammar features a glossary of grammar terms and updated coverage of stylistic conventions.
- Easy-to-follow examples guide you through the rules for parts of speech, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, frequently confused words, and much more. Also included are important style tips on how to write with economy, clarity, and accuracy.
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