- So you’ve been reading online about all the different methods and techniques to finally call yourself the English Grammar Expert. You’ve paid all types of people to help you improve your punctuation skills and sentence structure struggles, and maybe even attended classes in hopes of achieving the top notch English Grammar, writing, spelling and speaking skills you have been yearning for.
- Unfortunately, even after all of this, you have noticed little to no changes at all. You’re right where you started when you first sat down at the computer and began your journey. Sound familiar?Either you got unlucky and things just haven’t worked in your favor
- Or, you simply haven’t discovered what true English grammar skills are and the positive results mastering them can yield for a person like you.Well, it’s a good thing you stumbled across this English Grammar Rules and Mistakes, because the information contained within is designed to help one-up your English grammar skills once and for all.
- Even if you think nothing will ever work for you, this book brings an entirely new and refreshed abundance of insight to the table. The application of the skills, concepts and exercises inside can help you see results in as little as 1 week, and change your life forever.
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