- Get the answers to all your common writing questions, no matter the course, as Writer’s Reference gives you the tools you need to becoming a stronger writer.For more than 25 years, this bestselling handbook has allowed students to build confidence and take ownership of their college writing experience. Emphasizing critical reading and writing, this how-to manual provides quick-access to answers to students’ writing questions, which helps them target their needs and see their successes.A Writer’s Reference is easy to use and easy to understand.
- The handbook’s explanations are brief, accessible, and illustrated by examples, most by student writers. Boxes, charts, checklists, and menus are designed to help users find what they need quickly.It provides authoritative, trustworthy instruction. Most writing resources on the Web offer information, but they don’t offer instruction. With the ninth edition of A Writer’s Reference, students have reference content that has been class-tested by students and instructors. Users who loved the new Writing Guides in the eighth edition will be pleased to know they are still here in the ninth.
- It provides maximum flexibility for the teaching and learning situation. Instructors can choose from among three versions of A Writer’s Reference to meet their students’ needs: A Writer’s Reference, A Writer’s Reference with Exercises, and A Writer’s Reference with Writing about Literature.A new how-toapproach offers step-by-step instruction that will help students apply writing advice in practical ways and transfer skills to many different kinds of writing
- assignments.New Writer’s choice boxes on grammar and style offer opportunities for students to practice critical thinking at the sentence level. A new rhetorical approach emphasizes decision making (between first or third person, between active and passive voice, and so on) based on a writer’s purpose and audience.
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